Campus Directory

CalNet Directory and Privacy

Information about who works for the University is considered public information.

  • Information about who works for the University is considered public information. Although employees can choose not to include any address information in their Directory listings, their name will be listed.
  • Students can request that their information be made confidential. This affects not only their Directory listing, but all their school records as well. The Registrar requires a strong reason before they will grant confidential status.

Find out more about at CalNet Directory and Privacy.

Campus Directory Update Project

On March 28, 2024, the CalNet team released a new Campus Directory Update application (CDU) that can be used to add or update your personal information in the Campus Directory. This new application gives you more control over who can view your personal information by offering new privacy settings. 

Access the new CDU at:

Notable new features include:

  • Customization of privacy settings for individual data fields like your name or email address.

  • The ability to choose who can see your information in the directory: public, private, or viewable only by those who logged in via CalNet authentication.

  • Future improvements will allow users to display or hide their personal pronouns.

Project Milestones

Milestone Date Available
Directory Update Application Goes Live March 28, 2024
Pronouns that students establish in CalCentral will display in the campus directory April 1, 2024
Employees/HR Affiliates can set pronouns set in UCPath to display in campus directory July 15, 2024
Alumni can set pronouns to display in campus directory TBD

All dates are subject to change as this project progresses.

Screenshots of New Directory Update Application

To access the new directory update appplication, you will login at:

Shows home screen for, including a login link, which allows access to CalNet applications

From there, you will select the Directory Update from the menu:

Image shows menu options inside CalNet Admin Management tool

Once you are in the update application, you will see your name information as well as contact information fields. 

This is an example employee record. Note that name and pronouns are not editable in the directory; those fields must be updated in UCPath, or, for students, CalCentral. Email address, phone number and campus address are editable fields for employees. You can also decide which fields are visible to the public, to logged-in users, or to no one.

Shows new directory update app and fields that are customizable, including phone number and email address