IT Help Desk and CalNet Support

We're here to help! UC Berkeley offers a variety of assistance for students, faculty and staff with IT trouble or needs. If you aren't sure who to ask for help, see:

IT Help Desk

Faculty, Staff, Affiliates, and Alums: Most IT problems can be solved by IT Client Services. Submit a trouble ticket at, or email if you have trouble with your CalNet account.


The Student Helpdesk, part of Student Tech Services (STS), provides tech support to all graduate, professional and undergraduate students at UC Berkeley:

2-Step Help

2-Step support is provided by IT Client Services. You can open a 2-Step ticket at at or by emailing

Need help with your CalNet Passphrase?

Forgot your passphrase? Need to reset it?  Get help.

Information Security Office

If you suspect your account has been compromised, you receive a phishing email, or you experience an information security incident, please contact the ISO:

Knowledge Base

Search the campus' Knowledge Base for help with most campus services. The KB has answers to most of your questions as well as tips, tricks and frequently asked questions. See: to get started.

UCPath Support

For issues related to UCPath, see:

Alumni Help Desk

Submit a trouble ticket at or call 510-664-9000, Option 1, then Option 5, Tuesday-Thursday, 1pm-3pm.

CalNet Website

Search our website! has plenty of information on how to set up and use CalNet services. Just enter a key word in the search bar located in the upper right-hand corner, or poke around the main web menus.

Sponsored Guests

Information for sponsors and sponsored guests is available on our website: CalNet Sponsored Guests. Email if your question is not answered in the documentation, or if you experience an error with a Sponsored Guest account.

LastPass Help

Personal user accounts:

Business accounts:

CalNet Application and Developer Support

If you believe a CalNet application or service is failing or have questions related to the implementation of certificates, CalGroups, LDAP, CalNetAD, SSO, etc, see Resources for Developers or email: