Integrating Your Application with CalNet
If you are buying a third-party application...
Please be sure to consult with the vendor about integration with CalNet before you sign a contract. CalNet integration can sometimes be lengthy and time-consuming and you will want the vendor to share in that cost. The CalNet team has worked with the bIT Strategic Technology Acquisition office to develop Suggested RFP Language which you can build into your requirements' documentation.
If you are building your own application...
Please be sure to consult our documentation on supported Web Single Sign-On solutions, Central Authentication Service (CAS) and Shibboleth. Other authentication options are described on the Suggested RFP Language page.
CalNet Terms of Service...
All applications which utilize CalNet's Identity and Access Management infrastructure must comply with CalNet Terms of Service. Please review these prior to integration.
Please review and follow the recommended authentication guidelines when deciding how to authenticate your users.
Remember that authentication merely verifies an individual's digital identity. You must also determine whether or not to authorize a user to access your application. For more information on eligibility, please review the Information for New Users section.
CalNet Test Services
CalNet offers test CAS, LDAP, and Shibboleth environments. You may test your applications against these environments. We have a weekly maintenance window for our test environment on from 5 pm on Mondays to 8 am on Tuesdays. Please review the CalNet Test Terms of Service for more information.
See CalNet rSPA Test Accounts.
CalNet Mailing Lists
There are three main mailing lists:
- CalNet Tech Team-The CalNet Tech Team is an open group to which campus technical leads and developers from across campus are invited. Please join our group listserv for announcements and meeting information:
- CalNet Releases- If you support technology that depends on CalNet tools, this is the best place to look to understand if something in the CalNet technology stack has changed and how it could be affecting your services. You can also sign up to receive notices when CalNet has a new release. To subscribe to the list, go to: and click JOIN.
- CalNet Developers- CalNet Developers is managed by CalNet. You are encouraged to take advantage of the campus CalNet Developer community. If you have questions you would like to send to other developers or tips you think would help them, send mail to To subscribe, send a blank email to:
Operational Support
Once your application is in production, if you or your users encounter problems accessing your application and you believe the problem to be related to either CAS, Shibboleth, or the CalNet Directory, please report the problem as follows:
Application is unable to access CAS, Shibboleth; OR
Application is unable to access LDAP directory; OR
LDAP returning incorrect or unexpected data
Monday-Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (excluding holidays):
Send mail to
All other times:
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