CalNet Test Terms of Service

CalNet Test Environment

The CalNet team supports a test environment which includes all major components of our central authentication and authorization systems, including CAS, LDAP, Shibboleth, CalNetAD, and our Identity Management System. We consider this test environment a production service for campus developers integrating applications with our identity management infrastructure.

Developers are encouraged to test authentication and authorization using the CalNet test environment prior to deploying applications.

Test IDs

The CalNet team provides rPSA for testing in both test and production LDAP. Please see CalNet rSPA Test Accounts for details and instructions for obtaining access.

CalNet Test Systems

Testing against CAS

During the CAS registration process, developers are asked to indicate service URLs for their environments. These URLs are registered in both the CAS qa and prod tiers (auth-test.b.e and auth.b.e).


If your application conducts authorization queries against LDAP, please use ldap-test to validate your application and to perform any load testing (see below). Normal queries by your dev/qa systems can be performed against the prod tier (ldap.b.e).

Test Shibboleth

If you are using Shibboleth for authentication, please point all authentication requests to

Test System Modifications

At times, the CalNet team needs to modify the test environment to upgrade operating systems and software, test new system configurations for improved performance, or implement new authentication and authorization components.

To ensure smooth rollout of system changes, the CalNet team will notify CalNet developers in advance of such modifications and request the assistance of CalNet developers in testing changes before they are migrated to our production environment.

Load Testing

At times, the CalNet team and other campus departments may need to conduct load testing against the CalNet test environment. Any developer planning load testing that includes a high volume of requests to CalNet systems (CAS, LDAP, Shibboleth) should send a notice to the CalNet team, with at least 2 weeks advance notice. The CalNet team will evaluate impact and send notice to the larger CalNet developer community as necessary.