Convert an Existing LastPass Account
If you already have a free LastPass account, you can convert it following the steps below. If you already have a Premium LastPass account, see our FAQ for more information.
You must use a personal, non-Berkeley email address for your campus-sponsored LastPass Premium account. If you already have a LastPass account under your email address, change the email address of your existing LastPass account following these instructions from LastPass, before proceeding.
Non-berkeley email accounts are required to ensure that you can still use your LastPass account if you leave UC Berkeley.
After you have made sure your existing LastPass account does NOT use your email address, go to: to convert your LastPass account. Please note: current Family Plan subscribers cannot convert to a LastPass Premium account.
Enter your email address and the personal / email address affiliated with your existing LastPass account.

Click on the Submit button.
You’ll be directed to a confirmation page and an email will be sent to your address.
Check your email and click on the Upgrade my account link found in the email (if you don't see the confirmation email, check your SPAM folder).

On the bottom of the Activate Your Account page, scroll down to the “Already have an account?” and click the Login link.
When prompted, log in with your Free LastPass Account username and Master Passphrase.
Click the Confirm button on the Redeem LastPass Premium webpage.
10. Upon successful completion, you will see a prompt to install a browser plug-in, and log in to LastPass via your web browser.
If you already have a paid LastPass Premium account, you will want to turn off auto-renewal. See for instructions.
Create a New LastPass Premium Account
Your LastPass account requires that you use a email account as well as your email address.
Go to: to claim your free LastPass Premium account.
Enter your email address and a non-berkeley email address that you would like to use for your new LastPass Premium account. Non-berkeley email accounts are required to ensure that you can still use your LastPass account if you leave UC Berkeley.

Click on the Submit button.
You’ll be directed to a confirmation page and an email will be sent to your address.
Check your email and click the Create my account link in the email you receive from LastPass (if you don't see the confirmation email, check your SPAM folder).

Your non-Berkeley email address should be auto populated into the top email field; if not, enter it into the field.
- Create your Master Password for your LastPass Account. Your Master Password must meets or exceed the Minimum Security Standards Passphrase Requirements. However, we encourage you to use the below, higher standards for your LastPass Master Password:
- At least 20 characters long
- Not your email address
- Not your CalNet Passphrase
- Consider using a passphrase - a string of words (over 21 characters) such as OursturdyGoldenBearIswatchingfromtheskies
- Not easily guessable
Confirm your Master Password by entering it a second time.
Add an optional Password Reminder.
IMPORTANT: We recommend you create a reminder or hint for yourself in case you forget your Master Password, as neither UC Berkeley nor LastPass can reset a forgotten Master Password.
Click the Create My Account button.
Upon successful completion, you will see a prompt to install a browser plug-in, and log in to LastPass via your web browser.
Set Up Account Recovery Options
CalNet Support cannot help you if you forget your Master Password.
In order to prevent losing access to your account and information, set up the account recovery options that work best for you.
Install Browser Extensions
Browser extensions make using LastPass easy! You can install an extension for every web browser that you use (Firefox, Chrome, IE, etc) to allow you to automatically populate login credentials saved in your LastPass vault and to save new credentials to your LastPass vault.
Downloads for plug-ins or add-ons for other browsers and operating systems can be downloaded at the LastPass Download webpage.
Install the LastPass browser extension on your desktop or mobile. Repeat this step for as many browsers and devices as you’d like.
- Select the “On my device” tab for links to the app for Apple, Google, or Windows devices
- Select the “In the Browser” tab
- Click the “Get LastPass Free” button and follow the instructions to install LastPass in your browser
- Click the LastPass icon in your browser
- Sign in using your personal email address and your LastPass Master password.
Download the LastPass App
Download the app to your device(s). LastPass supports every major smartphone and tablet including Android, iOS, BlackBerry and Windows Mobile devices. Learn more about how to use LastPass on mobile devices and download LastPass for your mobile platform.
Add Passwords/Sites to your LastPass Vault
For detailed instructions visit:
Then, repeat this step for every account you want to add to your vault
Name: CalNetID
Username: enter your CalNetID
Password: enter your CalNet Passphrase
Protect Your Account with MFA
We recommend that you protect your LastPass account with Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). Any Multi-Factor Authentication protection is better than none, although DUO is recommended. DUO and many other MFA options link directly and easily with LastPass.
For DUO you’ll need to first sign up for your own free personal DUO account. When completing the form, enter "self" for organization, and not UC Berkeley. Then, configure your LastPass account with the free personal DUO account you just created. Additional instructions can be found through DUO:
Following this step will allow you to set up a personal Duo account that is not conntected to your 2-Step account. Users who have trouble with their personal Duo MFA need to work with Duo directly.
You cannot use your 2-Step account with your LastPass account.
Get Help
To get help directly from LastPass, click here and type in your question. Review the answers and if needed, scroll all the way to the bottom of the page and click the “Contact Support” button to submit a help ticket to LastPass.