Update SPA Display Name

When you first create a SPA account, the Display Name across campus services will be "Spa-name Departmental". Direct members of a SPA can update this name using the SPA Tool

Update SPA Display Name

  1. Navigate to https://spa.berkeley.edu and log in with your CalNet ID and passphrase.

  2. Select “Change SPA Display Name” in the upper right corner.

  3. Enter the SPA's CalNet ID (i.e. "spa-ucberkeley"). Remember to include "spa-" at the beginning of the ID. 
  4. Enter a new Display Name for the SPA
  5. Select "Update"

  6. The SPA name has been updated! Please allow up to 48 hours for the changes to sync across campus systems. 

Contact Us

To create SPAs, manage membership, and update display name use the Special Purpose Accounts Admin App

 If you have any questions regarding SPA CalNet IDs, contact itcsshelp@berkeley.edu.