CalGroups Best Practices

Following these best practices will help you get the most of your CalGroups.

Keep it simple

  • Don’t get too elaborate with folder structure (this will become especially important later, when using Active Directory)
  • Keep the number of departmental admins to a minimum

Naming Conventions

  • Use descriptive, meaningful names
  • Include keywords such as application name, Admin or Access
  • Keep it short!
  • Groups names are checked for uniqueness against the CalGroups name space, the CalNet namespace, and the AD namespace (LDAP and bConnected both use the CalNet namespace).

Utilize Admin Privilege Groups

  • Assign privileges to Admin Privilege groups and not individual people
  • Assign appropriate personnel to your Admin Privilege groups
  • Limit admin rights to those that are actually required

Use Composite Groups for Access Control

  • Take advantage of auto-deprovisioning features to control access to your app
  • Always cross your Ad Hoc group with an official campus group


Request access via a folder space via a Service Request in ServiceNow.

If you have questions about CalGroups, including API questions, contact: