People (ou=people,dc=berkeley,dc=edu)
The 'people' branch (ou=people,dc=berkeley,dc=edu) of the CalNet Directory contains all LDAP entries representing students, staff, and affiliates of the University of California, Berkeley.
The complete representation of an individual in the CalNet Directory consists of a collection of LDAP entries composed of standard LDAP objectclasses and of custom objectclasses specific to the Berkeley Campus.
Please see the links below for details on how data is represented in LDAP for students, staff, and affiliates.
Information for people affiliated with the Berkeley campus are pulled from authoritative data sources, combined, and represented in the central Calnet Directory as a primary (parent) LDAP entry with related sub-entries as follows.
Primary LDAP Person Entry
For each campus user, there will be one primary LDAP "person" (or "people") entry representing the user.
Each primary "person" entry may have the following "Address" sub-entry, each representing a single campus or personal address.
Please note that LDAP structure changed on October 4, 2016. See LDAP Simplification and Standardization for more information.